Originally started by two brothers, John and Doug Gilliland, Gilliland Super Market was opened June 19, 1964. When the original building was constructed, it measured 3,200 square feet. Today, after 12 additions, it now measures over 17,000 square feet.
Originally named Gilliland Super Market, the name changed to Piggly Wiggly in 1983. John Gilliland became the sole owner in 1970 when his brother, Doug, moved to Ackerman to build a sister store. Today the Piggly Wiggly is owned by John Gilliland’s family, after his passing in 2013. His wife Ann and 4 sons, Jay, Lee, Mike and Jeffery, are all integral parts to its day-to-day operations.
Back when the supermarket first opened, many of the customers were from farming communities and would pay their accounts once or twice a year as their crops would come in. Today, the customers are blue and white-collar workers. Times have certainly changed since then, as-well-as the community. Mathiston is no longer considered a farming community, but a technical community with so many working in offices and manufacturing plants.
Piggly Wiggly continues to change and adapt to its customers and their needs. They build their business on top-rate service, cleaniness, friendliness, helpful nature and fresh perishables, such as meat and produce. They see themselves as customers servicing customers.
Most of their employees have worked for Gilliland family for years and understand the value of relationships between themselves and their the customer.
At the Mathiston Piggly Wiggly we pledge to do our very best to bring our customers the best service in the area. We do not want to be like others, our goal is to be better.